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How fair is faircompanies? our friend SuChin Pak

The name faircompanies has allowed us to flagrantly flout all child labor laws and since birth, our daughter Inés, and her bare bottom, have been working to save the planet. It’s not just us here at faircompanies exploiting our 16-month-old. This month, my good friend SuChin Pak invited me and my bald-buttocked baby to join her “green room” on the new Planet Green network, starring Inés’ nude keister. 

In sure violation of some other fair labor law, this past fall we took advantage of our guest SuChin, who was visiting our faircompanies headquarters, and signed her up to do a bit of “green” cleaning in our bathroom (not a pretty sight/smell, considering we’ve been an “if it’s yellow let it mellow…” household for quite some time now.

In keeping with the Catalan tradition of sending a holiday card to mark the beginning of summer (I made that up, though there really is a “dancing egg festival” this month), I thought I’d send a quick update from the Boullosa Dirksen family, i.e. faircompanies staff.

As many of you already know over a year ago my Spanish/Catalan husband Nico and I had our first child, Inés, and launched a website nearly simultaneously (I’m not calling it a “green” site since even back 2 years ago when we started working on it, that word was starting to lose its meaning).

What you may not know is that the name faircompanies has allowed us to flagrantly flout all child labor laws and since birth, Inés, and her bare bottom, have been working to save the planet.

We aren’t just making, for the good of the earth, semi-porn. Inés has also worn clothes for this unpaid work, like on our trip on the new bullet train between Barcelona & Madrid or for my video blog about why we’ve become flexitarians (that’s her eating all those beans off the floor).

It’s not just us here at faircompanies exploiting our 16-month-old. This month, my good friend SuChin Pak invited me and my bald-buttocked baby to join her “green room” on the new Planet Green network. Here’s our first co-blog on, of course, diapers and once again, starring Inés’ nude keister.
In sure violation of some other fair labor law, this past fall we took advantage of our guest SuChin, who was visiting our faircompanies headquarters, and signed her up to do a bit of “green” cleaning in our bathroom (not a pretty sight/smell, considering we’ve been an “if it’s yellow let it mellow…” household for quite some time now (video to come, as I soon will be exposing others who are faithful to the practice).
Taking further advantage of SuChin’s visit to our Gothic Quarter pad, we exposed her to the fungi growing from our compost bag experiment and enlisted her free labor to help harvest the spinach from our terrace, not to mention we insisted that part of the Gótico cultural tour involved hanging our clothes on the clothesline (a quaint, well-preserved tradition, that just so happens to be the new “green” trend in America. See: clothesline wars).
In other not-so-fair news, our little faircompanies family used up our entire carbon footprint allowance for the year with a trip to Australia. We had little choice as my sister had married a Sydney-sider and the family was going to celebrate and to see her new life. In our defense, we tried to fly with the least possible baggage (less weight means less jet fuel, right?) and we stayed as long as possible to avoid the need for a return trip.
Plus, we brought our viewers such important green oddities from Down Under like videos on:

  • The eco-value of eating kangaroo meat (they don’t emit methane)
  • My sister & husband arguing worm pee over their worm bin
  • My brother’s passive solar remodel in Melbourne (only odd if you know that he & his Australian fiancé, Katrina, lived in it through the remodel, peeing in a bucket when the toilet was being done)
  • My future sister-in-law’s family’s low embodied energy mud brick home that they built themselves from dirt off their land (it doesn’t melt in the rain & they did it by just paying the dad’s “footy” team in beer & bbq).

I could go on- after all, faircompanies was named one of the top 50 best environmental sites in the world this past year-, but this is not a pat-yourself-on the back type email. I just really wanted to show you a bit of family video and to encourage you all to create your own precycle survival kit (i really do carry bags within bags with me at all times). 

Okay, I’ll end this, though perhaps next time I’ll be encouraging you to “if it’s yellow let it mellow, it it’s brown…” (if you don’t know the rest, see my blog on toilet talk).
Greetings from our fair headquarters here in Barcelona (please come for a visit and the green cleaning tour),
Kirsten, Nico & Inés
p.s. We just launched a new component to the faircompanies enterprise: an ethical twitter at http://faircompanies.mobi  Just a place to recommend fair and unfair products.