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One more day: picking the worms

Tomorrow is the big day! I get to pick up my worms and my bin and the Union Square market and see if this composting is all its cracked up to be.  

In preparation I have all my accumulated scraps from the past few weeks in the freezer.  (I hope they are not more than these little worms can handle.) 

Apparently storing scraps in the freezer kills all the existing bugs and bacteria that come with your fruits and veggies.  I cleared out a space under my plant table in the kitchen where I think they will be very happy.  

No direct sunlight. And I have some newspapers all ready to shred to create their habitat. I also have all other “brown” compost materials like paper towels, and dried leaves and twigs from house plants that I’ve been saving.   

So stay tuned for further lessons on the differences between ‘greens’ and ‘browns’ in composting, and a phenomenon know as ‘worm crawl’…