Choosing freedom of tiny homeboat over Hollywood life by Kirsten Dirksen on December 19, 2011 Heather Wilcoxon grew up visiting the Hollywood sets of her actor parents (her father Henry played Marc Antony opposite Claudette …
$1,800 used shipping container as architects’ backyard office by Kirsten Dirksen on December 16, 2011 Shipping containers are built to carry huge loads and the refrigerated units are very efficient at climate control. So it’s …
A rainwater collecting tree that doubles as a clothesline by faircompanies on December 15, 2011 Christina Bertea is an artist and a plumber. She also believes her art can be not only beautiful, but functional. …
BMW Isetta: because a tiny bubble car can be manly, sexy by faircompanies on December 14, 2011 Tiny cars seem without testosterone these days. Small (i.e. Smart, Mini) is cute and fun, but not usually sexy. That …
Berkeley car-clad modern home: small outside, spacious inside by Kirsten Dirksen on December 11, 2011 When architect Karl Wanaselja built his home in Berkeley, California the junkyard became his urban forest for materials. For months …
Urban goats for organic raw milk in a San Francisco backyard by Kirsten Dirksen on December 5, 2011 Heidi Kooy lives in a fairly dense part of San Francisco- her row house touches her neighbors’- with just 1000 …
Tiny, portable, prefab cube shelters in medieval French town by Kirsten Dirksen on December 1, 2011 They’re just 3 meters (9.8 feet) by 3 meters and just about as high. They’d make great tiny homes, but …
California shipping container tiny home & cargo trailer room by Kirsten Dirksen on November 26, 2011 Lulu is a single mom who’d gone back to school and didn’t have the time or interest in working full-time …
Cultured food guide: pickles, living soda, veggies, and more by Kirsten Dirksen on November 21, 2011 For Alex Hozven food is either living or dead. At her Cultured Pickle Shop in Berkeley, California, she tends 20,000 …
Folding moped & EV motorcycle that can’t fall via gyroscope by Kirsten Dirksen on November 14, 2011 Danny Kim has started his own car company, though, except for the old Land Rover he converted to run on …