Plug-ins and PV at Googleplex & the search for RE by Kirsten Dirksen on November 17, 2009 It’s been ranked the most powerful brand in the world, as well as the best company to work for in …
Preparando baterías para el despliegue del coche eléctrico by Nicolás Boullosa on November 16, 2009 Renault asegura que el coche eléctrico “no es el futuro, sino el presente”. Red Eléctrica esgrime que España está preparada …
Road midget sighting: golf cart on streets of San Francisco? by Kirsten Dirksen on November 15, 2009 We’re a bit obsessed with road midgets: those vehicles that look like golf carts, but are street legal. They’re officially …
Hackers on happiness & tiny houses, plus The Story of Stuff by Kirsten Dirksen on November 13, 2009 Last week, my husband posted to Hacker News a link to my video about a guy who lives in a …
En busca de un cluster español para el coche eléctrico by Nicolás Boullosa on November 11, 2009 España quiere convertirse en un polo de atracción para fabricar y desplegar el coche eléctrico. Gobierno central y varios gobiernos …
Energy-efficient, affordable tiny cob home for modern hobbits by Kirsten Dirksen on November 10, 2009 It’s estimated that half of the world’s population lives in earth buildings, but for many countries this type of architecture …
Slow bread: how to ferment your own bread by Kirsten Dirksen on November 10, 2009 Before the arrival of commercial yeast a couple centuries ago, bread was made from a starter that was kept alive …
De paria a agente medioambiental by Lasmarias on November 9, 2009 Son los pirujas de Argentina, los catadores en Brasil y los cutreros de Perú; una estampa habitual en las urbes …
Cómo los desiertos podrían proporcionar toda nuestra energía by Nicolás Boullosa on November 6, 2009 A partir de 2015, el Sáhara será visto desde una nueva perspectiva. Se convertirá, a partir de ese año, en …
Thoreau’s cabin redux: tiny homes and happiness by Kirsten Dirksen on November 4, 2009 Henry David Thoreau went to live in a 150-square-foot cabin in the woods because he “wished to live deliberately, to …