High Point: a development with pocket parks and native plant by Kirsten Dirksen on July 17, 2009 When Seattle developer Tom Phillips was given the task of redeveloping the 130 acres on one of the highest points …
Sobre algunas agradables efemérides by Nicolás Boullosa on July 16, 2009 Tres efemérides se cruzan durante estos días en mi camino: el nacimiento de mi segunda hija, el aniversario del nacimiento …
Tips from a Greywater Guerrilla: the bathroom by Kirsten Dirksen on July 14, 2009 While there’s a growing trend to re-use our home’s water (except for what we send down the toilet), there are …
A mail-order greenhouse by Kirsten Dirksen on July 12, 2009 So you’ve joined the backyard garden revolution and are now growing as much of your own food as possible. If you’re …
5 avances para una economía basada en energía verde by Nicolás Boullosa on July 7, 2009 Las ciudades siguen facilitando la innovación e impulsando los grandes cambios sociales. Con Internet y la llegada de fenómenos como …
The way bread was made: naturally leavened sourdough by Kirsten Dirksen on July 7, 2009 A couple generations ago, in much of Europe, bread was made at home and without industrial yeast. Instead, every household …
Climate control for sidewalks: making stores close the door by Kirsten Dirksen on July 5, 2009 A loophole exists in our global warming awareness. As most of us are are investing in energy saving appliances and …
Jetter l'énergie par les portes by Kirsten Dirksen on July 5, 2009 Une lacune existe dans notre prise de conscience du réchauffement climatique. La plupart d’entre nous investissons dans des appareils économes …
Can whitewash, tinted windows & closed doors save the earth? by Kirsten Dirksen on July 4, 2009 The fight against climate change has taken a rather low-tech turn lately. Obama’s Energy Secretary Stephen Chu wants to fight …
American cosmetics: a dumping ground for chemicals by Kirsten Dirksen on July 3, 2009 Personal care and cosmetic products in the U.S. are a dumping ground for mostly untested chemicals. “Under federal law, companies …