Anglo-Saxon bigfoots and the Happy Planet Index by Kirsten Dirksen on April 7, 2009 The other day my husband IMed me, only half-joking, “f**king Anglo-Saxons”. It seems we English-speaking countries, for the most part, …
Los nuevos "coches del pueblo" no serán de gasolina by Nicolás Boullosa on April 7, 2009 De la India no llegan sólo cuentos de hadas para desheredados con aureola de Bollywood, a lo Slumdog Millionaire. El …
No, the garden has not been built yet by BioDieselHauling on April 7, 2009 Building the planter bed was the agenda for today, but there turned out to be a lot of little tasks …
Living small: when home is a 150-square-foot RV by Kirsten Dirksen on April 6, 2009 They only get about 7-10 mpg, but RVs can be environmentally friendly… when parked. “What I use in electricity and …
Green Box: una propuesta de vivienda-jardín para el futuro by faircompanies on April 5, 2009 El arquitecto Luis de Garrido presenta su último prototipo de vivienda sostenible, Green Box, en la ciudad de Nueva York …
Real World 2.0: ready for open source hardware, sensors? by Kirsten Dirksen on April 2, 2009 The current economic crisis won’t just produce major changes in the world’s economic institutions. Programmers, tinkerers and DIY aficionados aren’t …
AMEE, Google y Tendril quieren medir nuestro impacto by Nicolás Boullosa on March 31, 2009 Por primera vez, varias empresas tecnológicas relacionan las innovaciones de la llamada Web 2.0 -sistemas que aumentan su valor e …
El coche eléctrico y novedades en el sector: Tesla Model S by Nicolás Boullosa on March 30, 2009 El Gobierno tiene luz verde para incentivar la fabricación de modelos eléctricos en España, si se confirmara que Renault podría …
A drawback of hypermiling by BioDieselHauling on March 30, 2009 I’ve been driving around 50-55 on the freeway for the past few months, managed to get my ’83 diesel f-250 …
Sydney's Solar Sailor: a hybrid for the high seas by Kirsten Dirksen on March 30, 2009 Ferries, freighters, and pleasure boats are getting an eco-facelift thanks to solar sails. There are solar boats and there are …