Cómo prepararse para la autogestión energética by Nicolás Boullosa on October 26, 2007 La energía fotovoltaica produce electricidad limpia para consumir y vender a la red, a diferencia de la energía solar térmica …
What we are up against by BioDieselHauling on October 26, 2007 My neighbor came by a couple days ago. (Neither the conservative in a tiny trailer nor the tweaker / junkies, …
Sustainable development at MIT: not much this term by tdirksen on October 26, 2007 For those of you who don’t know, I have just started a Master of Science in Real Estate Development (MSRED) …
Clothesline wars: the solar dryer by Kirsten Dirksen on October 25, 2007 The return of the clothesline. This low-tech solar device is back, but its popularity is being stymied by lawsuits and …
West Coast Green: green building on display by Kirsten Dirksen on October 23, 2007 With a sold-out crowd of nearly 9 thousand people, the inaugural West Coast Green tradefair made history as the largest …
International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT) by faircompanies on October 22, 2007 The International Fair Trade Association has worked to instigate and promote fair trade throughout the world since its creation in …
6am (is money to support living?) by BioDieselHauling on October 22, 2007 It says something about our society. On the BART in the morning, just over 50% of the passengers on any …
Jueces, premios Nobel, iPhone, Current TV, Sevilla by Nicolás Boullosa on October 22, 2007 Quizá debería dedicar este blog a los nuevos Premio Nobel de la Paz, que ha recaído, como sabe todo el …
Bici pública: individual i col·lectiva by Kirsten Dirksen on October 19, 2007 A Barcelona, París o Viena, el lloguer de bicicletes és el nou mitjà de transport públic. En haver estacions disseminades …
I am in Playboy magazine by BioDieselHauling on October 19, 2007 No, seriously! November 2007, page 46. I wrote in response to an article claiming that some “environmentalists” support nuclear power. …