From old Belgian water tank to dream tower house with a view by Kirsten Dirksen on May 22, 2017 Patrick Mets loves “old, industrial buildings” and he’s always been fascinated by water towers. After years of scouting the Belgian …
Function after form: from old auto repair to live/work space by Kirsten Dirksen on May 14, 2017 Two decades ago, architects David Yocum and Brian Bell were new to Atlanta and looking for an abandoned building that …
On turning a former Alpine garage into an elegant modern cabin by Kirsten Dirksen on March 5, 2017 When architects Gianmatteo Romegialli and Erika Gaggia saw their friend Carlo “Dino” Marchetti’s garage with the gorgeous views of the …
Forsaken Main Street as affordable new Frontier: Water Valley by Kirsten Dirksen on January 22, 2017 Less than a decade ago, Water Valley, Mississippi was a forgotten small town: there were 18 empty storefronts lining its …
Virgil unbound: Italian Alps ruin becomes dream budget home by Kirsten Dirksen on November 13, 2016 When his wife inherited a ruined stable in Italy’s Orobic Alps, architect Alfredo Vanotti reinvisioned the space as a family home, …
Rust Belt rebirth: a $17,500 Cincinnati old home renewal by Kirsten Dirksen on June 29, 2015 It’s become difficult to afford urban living in places like San Francisco, New York or even Portland, but there is …
Before: 19th Century $1-building; Now: luxury house/pizzeria by Kirsten Dirksen on April 20, 2015 In 1850, Cincinnati was the second densest city in the country, but in the last century as residents began their …
Brick & mortar frontier town bank becomes NorCal downtown home by Kirsten Dirksen on August 18, 2013 When Bert Crews was looking for a home in the tiny frontier-style town of Tomales, California, it just happened to …