West Texas ghost town experimental construction & revival by Kirsten Dirksen on April 27, 2015 A century ago, Terlingua, Texas was a bustling mining town (by 1922 it was supplying the nation with 40% of …
LA ecovillage: self-reliance in car-free urban homestead by Kirsten Dirksen on June 16, 2014 In urban Los Angeles, about 3 miles west of downtown, 500 people live on 11 acres priority is given to …
Tentsile tree tents: floating treehouses mimic spider webs by Kirsten Dirksen on April 16, 2013 Treehouse architect Alex Shirley-Smith wanted to create a portable treehouse, a kind of ready-made, floating shelter that could be assembled …
Medieval Spanish ghost town now self-sufficient ecovillage by Kirsten Dirksen on October 17, 2011 It’s a utopian fantasy- discover a ghost town and rebuild it in line with your ideals-, but in Spain where …