Manga to “Kei” minicars: Japan’s cultural influence as the country’s power wanes by Nicolás Boullosa on March 5, 2025 As Japan’s weight wanes in the world, one of its cultural idiosyncrasies, kei tiny cars and trucks, get a following …
Dual role of wood in human history: a blessing & a curse by Nicolás Boullosa on May 30, 2024 Old wood-clad houses know how to age, drawing inspiration from ancient woodworking. But why does modernity feel uneasy with weathered …
"Jutaku": lujo espartano de las microcasas prefab japonesas by Nicolás Boullosa on November 10, 2015 En Japón, las empresas más antiguas del mundo y las tradiciones más rígidas conviven con sectores que, como el arquitectónico, …