Vengeance vs. mercy: Monte Cristo & Jean Valjean in real life by Nicolás Boullosa on October 5, 2022 In our interactions, so much boils down to the charged interpretation we make of revenge and forgiveness. Revenge can feel …
Why the consensus on facts, opinion & experience has weakened by Nicolás Boullosa on February 9, 2022 Internet “culture” relies on the activity taking place at its core or constellation of services and most engaged users. The …
Mindset & outcome: from paths not taken to those yet to take by Nicolás Boullosa on January 2, 2022 No matter how free and disinhibited we feel, our behavior deals with expectations of society and others upon us, as …
Tradition & free will: on the little things we can transform by Nicolás Boullosa on December 9, 2021 In our instinctive attempt to give meaning to events around us, our species has developed an ability to make stories …
Futurism vs neo-Luddism: battle of frontiers of thought/tech by Nicolás Boullosa on October 25, 2021 For its proximity to San Francisco, mild weather, access to the outdoors such as Tamalpais, the old hippy enclaves by …
“Freedom to” vs “freedom from”: why our attitude determines fate by Nicolás Boullosa on October 5, 2021 This is not a shortlist of to-do things to be free, but we wish there was a way to rationalize …
Modernists vs. traditionalists over beauty: a cautionary tale by Nicolás Boullosa on September 20, 2021 We prioritize what’s in front of us in the Now. Since Aristotle’s Physics, all we consider is based on “presence“, …
Lo bello en lo cotidiano: pensamiento solar de Albert Camus by Nicolás Boullosa on July 2, 2021 La liberación de París permitió a Albert Camus afirmar su visión del mundo durante la madurez, consciente de que las …
Peligrosa veneración de un mundo estancado (según Nietzsche) by Nicolás Boullosa on June 15, 2021 El interés del público por la ciencia y la experimentación es primordial. Sin él, financiar esfuerzos de investigación que son …
La empresa activa más antigua mantiene edificios tradicionales by Nicolás Boullosa on June 9, 2021 En 1912, Antonio Machado publicaba Campos de Castilla, que incluía unos poemas bajo el epígrafe de Parábolas; la tercera parábola …