Free speech-palooza & kids’ media access: when banalization gets pervasive by Nicolás Boullosa on February 12, 2025 When free speech becomes a game of provocation, kids learn that clout beats character—and history gets rewritten in the process. …
Why do we see injustice in humans but not nature (& effects) by Nicolás Boullosa on December 25, 2021 We are wired to cheer for the underdog, but do we empathize with the weak? Not necessarily —as long as …
When pioneer air pilots brought mail, hope & life-affirmation by Nicolás Boullosa on December 16, 2021 When Joseph Kessel sat down to write about an aviator from the early era of airmail, his own experience as …
Epojé: repensar la Ilustración para integrar la naturaleza by Nicolás Boullosa on May 19, 2021 El físico teórico John Archibald Wheeler, experto en relatividad general y física de partículas, fue consciente de haber nacido en …
Hambruna de grandes ideas: ¿retorno a la curiosidad genuina? by Nicolás Boullosa on February 8, 2018 Cuando el filósofo alemán Martin Heidegger concedió, ya en su madurez, una entrevista a Der Spiegel, lo hizo a condición …