Unauthorized musings on The Great Disconnect: men’s online withdrawal by Nicolás Boullosa on December 11, 2024 Old ways of creating bonds aren’t working as they used to, and we see proof of it every day, in …
Finding a purpose in today’s world: Elias from “Märzengrund” by Nicolás Boullosa on January 15, 2023 Some people turn away from the doctrines of a profit-oriented society and decide to live a simpler life in tune …
Can tech skip overlords? Additive manufacturing & small shops by Nicolás Boullosa on November 17, 2022 As of today, it takes more energy and resources to make a battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV) than its internal combustion …
Finding meaning in postmodernity: the forgotten Aldous Huxley by Nicolás Boullosa on September 26, 2022 To each generation, its monsters. With his novella The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka explained more about early-twentieth-century angst than any historian …
Why do we see injustice in humans but not nature (& effects) by Nicolás Boullosa on December 25, 2021 We are wired to cheer for the underdog, but do we empathize with the weak? Not necessarily —as long as …
¿Soledad positiva o tóxica? entre vida examinada y nihilismo by Nicolás Boullosa on March 22, 2018 Nuestra percepción de la realidad afecta no sólo nuestra manera de ver el mundo, sino también nuestro estado de ánimo …
Cuento del horno tostador “inteligente” y futuro tecnológico by Nicolás Boullosa on November 30, 2016 La Internet ubicua avanza en su conexión de objetos y personas, prometiendo mayor comodidad y eficiencia en todo lo que hacemos. …
Softwarización de las cosas: libertades en el mundo conectado by Nicolás Boullosa on October 27, 2016 En la carrera por concentrar mayor servicio en menos material, los nuevos productos aspiran a integrarse en nuestro contexto y …
Reencantamiento: redescubrir lo primordial en la era técnica by Nicolás Boullosa on January 27, 2016 Una de las críticas más recurrentes a la sociedad moderna y burocratizada es su efecto sobre el individuo, al que …