Underground dome house of the family who led geese to fly home by Kirsten Dirksen on August 17, 2019 Paula and Bill Lishman spent many winters in a poorly-insulated A frame cabin before realizing they needed to go underground …
Underground dome house stays warm in Omaha winters by Kirsten Dirksen on November 26, 2017 Rebecca Weitzel and Jeff Waschkowski live in a buried home in Omaha, Nebraska and while winters temperatures can hit negative 30 degrees …
Kristie Wolfe builds underground home & sets rural WA hamlet by Kirsten Dirksen on September 18, 2016 Inspired by the success of the Hawaii treehouse home she built for $11,000, Kristie Wolfe began searching for land to …
Earth-cooled, shipping container underground CA home for 30K by Kirsten Dirksen on April 18, 2016 As a kid Steve Rees played in caves and learned how the earth could cool. As an adult, he buried …
Dan Price’s underground home, art & philosophy on $5,000/year by Kirsten Dirksen on September 20, 2015 When Dan Price returned to his home state of Oregon in 1990 he was determined to avoid mortgages or rent …
Earthships: self-sustaining homes for post-apocalyptic land? by Kirsten Dirksen on October 6, 2014 On the desert mesa of New Mexico, miles from the nearest town of Taos (pop. 5,700), Star-Wars-like shelters rise from …