In September of 2009, Cloverdale (California) resident Patty Silva-Hicks ripped out her lawn and replaced it with fruit trees and vegetable beds. “The city controls our watering, which I understand, conservation-,” she explained to us last year, “so I decided to tear up the grass and plant fruit trees, because you can’t eat grass.”
Silva-Hicks not only wanted access to fresh, organic produce, but she hoped to return her 1930s home to a more original state: when her grandparents owned the place, they didn’t have a lawn, but fruit trees and vegetables in the front yard.
In this video, we visit Silva-Hicks 9 months after she planted her front yard, where she shows us her trees (cherry, orange, Santa Rosa plum, plum-apricot, Mexican sweet lemon) and produce (broccoli, onions, cabbage, Swiss chard, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, and lettuce and pepper hedgerows).