Stripping diapers with salt, baking soda and vinegar by Kirsten Dirksen on March 11, 2008 If you’re using cloth diapers, and you don’t use a service, you need a wash routine. As opposed to regular …
Slow shopping in Italy, France & Spain by Kirsten Dirksen on March 10, 2008 Investigating soignée, la bella figura and seny i rauxa: Until moving in with my husband and not insignificantly in Europe, I …
Staying out of eco-debt w/bikes & 60mpg motorcycle by Kirsten Dirksen on March 10, 2008 On October 9th of 2006 the world’s population went into ecological overdraft. According to the New Economics Foundation as of …
Guia de moda 1: Slow Fashion by Kirsten Dirksen on March 8, 2008 Fem servir cada cop més roba i ens en desfem cada vegada més ràpid. Ja ni tan sols dura un …
Guía de moda I: Slow Fashion by Kirsten Dirksen on March 7, 2008 Usamos más ropa y nos deshacemos de ella cada vez más rápido. Ya ni siquiera duran un año. Pero la …
Fashion guide I: Slow Fashion by Kirsten Dirksen on March 6, 2008 We’re wearing more clothes, more often and throwing them away. Wardrobes don’t even last a year. But fast fashion is …
Pacific Garbage Patch… and collective deplastification by Kirsten Dirksen on March 6, 2008 Way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a thousand miles out from the coast of California, floats a …
Not all trees are created equal: an ode to cork by Kirsten Dirksen on February 18, 2008 What if you could harvest a wood product for flooring without killing a single tree and at the same time …
Vetant l'ús de borses de plàstic by Kirsten Dirksen on February 14, 2008 Es consumeixen 1 milió per minut. Acaben bloquejant desguassos i matant animals. Diversos països les prohibeixen, però els seus productors …
Vetando el uso de las bolsas de plástico by Kirsten Dirksen on February 13, 2008 Se consumen 1 millón por minuto. Acaban bloqueando desagües y matando animales. Varios países las prohiben, aunque sus productores contraatacan, …