Guide to solar chargers by Kirsten Dirksen on August 20, 2008 Today’s solar chargers have gone way beyond a gimmick and have become an easy way to charge all your devices …
When a yard becomes evil and… another Coppola trend? by Kirsten Dirksen on August 14, 2008 We’re a country addicted to grass… sorry for the pun, but being obsessed with turf grass might prove to be …
Time to ungarden: creating an organic, fruitful yard by Kirsten Dirksen on August 13, 2008 Lawns in the US cover an area roughly the size of New York State and most of them are grown …
A greener SUV? Green Car Co’s pick by Kirsten Dirksen on August 1, 2008 The quickest way to better fuel efficiency is to downsize your auto. But if you just can’t give up your …
Potty diaries: learning the rituals by Kirsten Dirksen on July 24, 2008 In this installment of our potty diaries- our attempt to get our baby out of diapers at an early age-, …
Una idea: crema de aceite de oliva ecológico by Kirsten Dirksen on July 16, 2008 Una pequeña firma cordobesa dedicada a la venta de aceite de oliva virgen de cultivo orgánico, Aceites Vizcántar, cuenta incluso …
Guia de carregadors solars by Kirsten Dirksen on July 13, 2008 Els carregadors solars han passat d’ésser una frivolitat poc útil a convertir-se en una manera senzilla de carregar els nostres …
SMART trains, intermodal travel and Obama’s love of the rail by Kirsten Dirksen on July 7, 2008 In the US, we treat cars as a right and trains as a privilege. Our nation’s highways have a trust …
Guía de cargadores solares by Kirsten Dirksen on July 6, 2008 Los cargadores solares han pasado de ser un capricho poco útil para precursores a convertirse en un modo sencillo de …
How fair is faircompanies? our friend SuChin Pak by Kirsten Dirksen on June 6, 2008 The name faircompanies has allowed us to flagrantly flout all child labor laws and since birth, our daughter Inés, and …