A drawback of hypermiling by BioDieselHauling on March 30, 2009 I’ve been driving around 50-55 on the freeway for the past few months, managed to get my ’83 diesel f-250 …
Sydney's Solar Sailor: a hybrid for the high seas by Kirsten Dirksen on March 30, 2009 Ferries, freighters, and pleasure boats are getting an eco-facelift thanks to solar sails. There are solar boats and there are …
Hacking a full-size truck as efficient as the average car by BioDieselHauling on March 30, 2009 After being pulled over for driving too slow, I looked up a couple hypermiling websites in order to post the …
Después de la Web 2.0: sensores y hardware libre by Nicolás Boullosa on March 26, 2009 La actual crisis económica promete no sólo favorecer cambios profundos en las instituciones económicas que rigen el mundo. Los propios …
AMEE, Tendril i Google PowerMeter amiden el nostre impacte by Nicolás Boullosa on March 24, 2009 Per primer cop, empreses tecnològiques relacionen innovacions esdevingudes a l’anomenada Web 2.0 -sistemes que augmenten el seu valor i “intel·ligència …
Dime dónde vives y te diré cuánto contaminas by Nicolás Boullosa on March 23, 2009 Charlaba con Kirsten sobre la relación entre el entorno geográfico y social en que vive una persona y su comportamiento …
My mileage results are in by BioDieselHauling on March 22, 2009 I’ve been driving more conscientiously ever since I read the article on hypermiling, which I posted about in November of …
Entrevista sobre el alquiler público de bicicletas Bicing by Nicolás Boullosa on March 22, 2009 Con motivo de la visita de una amiga de una ciudad tan dependiente del coche para sus desplazamientos como Los …
How-to: rainwater collection system on my RV trailer by BioDieselHauling on March 22, 2009 I was inspired partly by a book lent to me by the first person I ever went out on a …
To witness Obama's green dream: by Kirsten Dirksen on March 21, 2009 A year in Detroit with goats in a $1 home? My husband is ready to move to Detroit… to witness …