Classwork on teaching climate change by Tycho on March 1, 2007 The first day of lessons was pretty ok. It felt pretty good standing in front of the class. I tried …
Objective: to plant one billion trees in 2007 by faircompanies on February 28, 2007 It was announced with great fanfare, as if it were a great victory of common sense: the UN will launch …
The polizei doesn't get it, the Germans do by Tycho on February 26, 2007 At the summit from the base in Amsterdam i met a lot of interesting people. I missed most of the …
Kaizen, o la continua mejora en la estrategia by Nicolás Boullosa on February 23, 2007 Un amigo -de hecho, un pariente- me envía por correo el enlace a una noticia que habla de lo último …
The "embodied energy" carried by our food by faircompanies on February 22, 2007 Growing Your Own? Local vs. Organic: Why We Should Think Before We Simply Buy. Most of us do not think …
Aumenta la controversia en torno al biodiésel by Nicolás Boullosa on February 22, 2007 La producción a gran escala de biodiésel parece no convencer a nadie, desde organizaciones medioambientales hasta grandes compañías energéticas. El …
When clean stops being green by Kirsten Dirksen on February 22, 2007 “Do you smell fumes? Are you allergic to the 20th century?” In the ´90s movie Safe, Julianne Moore’s character reads …
Home made fuel: a diesel-making machine for 8K by faircompanies on February 21, 2007 With the end of cheap oil and the appearance that gas prices won’t be coming down anytime soon, some drivers …
Ali Hewson: de "dona de" a empresària de roba sostenible by faircompanies on February 20, 2007 Ali Hewson és, primer de tot, empresària de roba de comerç just. També està casada amb Bono, líder del grup …
Ali Hewson: de "mujer de" a empresaria de ropa sostenible by faircompanies on February 20, 2007 Ali Hewson es empresaria de ropa de comercio justo, antes que mujer de Bono, líder del grupo musical U2. Cuando …