A green extension / renovation by tdirksen on March 7, 2007 My partner, Katrina, and I have slowly been moving towards leading sustainable lives. This has been a conscious effort but …
Fiberstars: lámparas de fibra óptica by Nicolás Boullosa on March 6, 2007 Las lámparas desarrolladas con fibra óptica no contaminan, no desprenden calor y son más eficientes. Un único pero, de momento: …
Industria automovilística: más allá del Toyota Prius by faircompanies on March 5, 2007 La industria automovilística quiere ofrecer modelos cada vez más eficientes. Mientras tanto, los usuarios se interesan por alternativas al diésel …
Selectively organic: boycotting "The dirty dozen" by Kirsten Dirksen on March 2, 2007 My father emailed me this week to warn me against one of my favorite dishes- spinach salad. Apparently, spinach is …
Classwork on teaching climate change by Tycho on March 1, 2007 The first day of lessons was pretty ok. It felt pretty good standing in front of the class. I tried …
Objective: to plant one billion trees in 2007 by faircompanies on February 28, 2007 It was announced with great fanfare, as if it were a great victory of common sense: the UN will launch …
The polizei doesn't get it, the Germans do by Tycho on February 26, 2007 At the summit from the base in Amsterdam i met a lot of interesting people. I missed most of the …
Kaizen, o la continua mejora en la estrategia by Nicolás Boullosa on February 23, 2007 Un amigo -de hecho, un pariente- me envía por correo el enlace a una noticia que habla de lo último …
The "embodied energy" carried by our food by faircompanies on February 22, 2007 Growing Your Own? Local vs. Organic: Why We Should Think Before We Simply Buy. Most of us do not think …
Aumenta la controversia en torno al biodiésel by Nicolás Boullosa on February 22, 2007 La producción a gran escala de biodiésel parece no convencer a nadie, desde organizaciones medioambientales hasta grandes compañías energéticas. El …