Barcelona’s Sagrada Família: Gaudí’s monument to Nature by Kirsten Dirksen on December 18, 2010 He became one of the most famous Modernist architects- responsible for many of Barcelona’s most famous monuments-, but Antoni Gaudí …
10 invenciones del pasado con un gran futuro verde by Nicolás Boullosa on December 15, 2010 ¿En qué se parecen una nevera que no usa electricidad ni tiene partes mecánicas móviles y un botijo? Recopilamos una …
Chips en árboles y otras técnicas que protejan el bien común by Nicolás Boullosa on December 14, 2010 No todas las informaciones conservación natural y el clima son negativas. Un nuevo estudio asegura que las emisiones derivadas de la …
1st rule of gardening: build up the soil by Kirsten Dirksen on December 13, 2010 Every year Jacqueline Kennedy starts her garden by throwing local horse manure under her veggie patch. Her soil is now …
Dirty rags (trapos sucios): zero waste redesigned clothing by Kirsten Dirksen on December 9, 2010 When a company that collects the trash and cleans the city of Barcelona had 1,285 uniforms to get rid of, …
Biorremediación: lombrices que eliminan tóxicos y más by Nicolás Boullosa on December 8, 2010 Por mucho que nos esforcemos, los animales siguen conjurándose para proteger la vida; a pequeña escala, sí, aunque dando pistas de …
10 tecnologías para una batería ligera, barata y durable by Nicolás Boullosa on December 7, 2010 Coincidiendo con la llegada al mercado de los primeros coches eléctricos de grandes fabricantes, se publica numerosa información en torno …
Avoid VOC: homemade natural paint (clay and milk) by Kirsten Dirksen on December 7, 2010 Paints are one of the biggest sources of VOCs- Volatile Organic Compounds- inside the home and their synthetic ingredients have …
Non-toxic, no-VOC paint for any wall (+ finishing plasters) by Kirsten Dirksen on December 7, 2010 Michael G. Smith has spent the past couple of decades using natural materials to build all parts of a home, …
Urban composting toilet: poo from loo to garden in 1 year by Kirsten Dirksen on December 2, 2010 Flush toilets allow us to avoid confronting just how archaic our sewage systems are. Ninety percent of the world’s sewage …