And Australia is still trying… CFLs by tdirksen on May 19, 2009 I am very pleased about how well my new Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs) look and work (after being installed). …
El futuro del periodismo, más Internet que libro electrónico by Nicolás Boullosa on May 19, 2009 La extensión de la banda ancha y las tarifas que permiten la consulta y descarga ilimitada a partir de un …
Micro-casas desde 6 m2: una protesta contra las McMansion by Nicolás Boullosa on May 19, 2009 Por un instante, fijémonos en Estados Unidos. En un lugar donde el tamaño promedio de un hogar ha crecido de …
Registering for a downpayment and asking for wedding cash by Kirsten Dirksen on May 18, 2009 There are very few moments when I feel forced to consume, but one look at a wedding registry and I …
10 innovaciones sostenibles: energía, transporte y más by Nicolás Boullosa on May 14, 2009 No es posible cambiar en un día el modelo productivo desde sectores con poco valor añadido y mano de obra …
Shrinking your crib: when home is just 65 square feet by Kirsten Dirksen on May 14, 2009 In a land where the average home size has grown steadily for nearly 15 years and is now over twice …
Why I ate kangaroo and how it could save us from swine flu by Kirsten Dirksen on May 12, 2009 They’re killing kangaroo again in Australia, conservationists Down Under are mad and I- with firsthand knowledge of the taste of …
Hechos y leyendas sobre la huella ecológica de Internet by Nicolás Boullosa on May 12, 2009 Aclaración: estás visitando un sitio web con un diseño sencillo y una tecnología diseñada para que su impacto energético sea …
The contest by BioDieselHauling on May 11, 2009 I submitted my eco-modding adventures to the do-it-yourself website, which is having a contest for efficiency related green designs. …
Obesity: the epidemic that causes death and climate change by Kirsten Dirksen on May 10, 2009 The World Health Organization defines overweight by an index of body fat (BMI, calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by …