Predictions, home-made econometrics on the recession by BioDieselHauling on May 30, 2008 A couple of years ago I posted about trends in the US government spending (it popped back up to the …
¿Convertir todos los coches de gasolina en eléctricos? by Nicolás Boullosa on May 29, 2008 No tengo coche desde que vivo en el centro de Barcelona y me he dado cuenta de que no lo …
A happy hippie (unlimited) by Flora on May 28, 2008 On a visit to the Danish eco-hippy community Christiania, I started thinking: When is someone “green” enough? Is it possible …
Education, now with references by BioDieselHauling on May 27, 2008 NOTE: let me say upfront that I think this entire entry is a gross oversimplification. We (Americans) aren’t very smart. …
Guia de la inversió ètica 2008 by Nicolás Boullosa on May 26, 2008 La inversió ètica cerca a clients qui vulguin invertir en empreses i causes justes. Ara, a més, els qui ofereixen …
Por qué los productos deberían ir "de la cuna a la cuna" by faircompanies on May 25, 2008 Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (De la cuna a la cuna: rediseñando la forma en que …
Evil will always win, but it's allright by BioDieselHauling on May 24, 2008 Whether history teaches us to be optimistic or pessimistic is only a matter of when and where you choose to …
Poor excuse for a real blog by BioDieselHauling on May 24, 2008 I have been failing to fulfill my responsibility to provide my non-nonsensical thoughts to my 4 or so readers and …
Guía de la inversión ética 2008 by Nicolás Boullosa on May 23, 2008 La inversión ética busca a clientes que quieran invertir en empresas y causas justas. Ahora, además, quienes ofrecen productos financieros …
Why we all need to become environmental vegetarians by Kirsten Dirksen on May 22, 2008 I’ve become a vegetarian (or a flexitarian) and have only just realized it. Some of my best friends have been …