El futur de la vida, segons, Edward O. Wilson by faircompanies on August 13, 2007 El futur de la vida és un al·legat contra l’extinció massiva de les espècies, així com un rigorós i èpic …
El futuro de la vida, según Edward O. Wilson by faircompanies on August 13, 2007 El futuro de la vida es un alegato contra la extinción masiva de las especies, así como un riguroso y …
Free and discount Starbucks-age by starlord on August 13, 2007 Dropping off I-80 into Emeryville, the voices say “turn right, go to Starbucks” — well, that was odd, you know …
"Let My People Go Surfing", a book by Yvon Chouinard by faircompanies on August 12, 2007 Let My People Go Surfing is a collection of memories and reflections of Yvon Chouinard, legendary climber and founder/owner of …
The apple does not fall far from the tree by Flora on August 11, 2007 I still remember one of the first papers about the production of dimethylfuran (DMF) for liquid fuels from biomass-derived carbohydrates. …
Who killed the electric car?, a documentary by Chris Paine by faircompanies on August 10, 2007 A documentary that investigates the birth and -premature?- death of the EV1, an electric car developed by General Motors during …
The tipping point of green cleaning by faircompanies on August 9, 2007 Did you look at the labels on your cleaning products? Maybe you’d prefer not to focus on it, but if …
Slow Food, or reversing the standardization of taste by faircompanies on August 8, 2007 Slow Food stands as a movement opposed to the standardization of culinary taste that promotes a philosophy of taste “without …
Standards needed to apply for the Fairtrade certification by faircompanies on August 6, 2007 Fairtrade is a certification system for products that comply with environmental, labor and development standards established by FLO International. The …
Body Time: the original Body Shop keeps it small by Kirsten Dirksen on August 6, 2007 Body Time opened their doors in 1970 as a small shop where soaps were hand-cut and customers brought back their …