Formentera counterculture: pre-modern slow world on a tiny Mediterranean island by Nicolás Boullosa on January 30, 2025 Formentera in the 1960s was an off-grid, hidden Mediterranean refuge where artists, free spirits, and countercultural seekers embraced a slow, …
Post-rumination: how a writer & a songwriter overcame depression by Nicolás Boullosa on September 20, 2023 Less known than the current enfant terrible of French literature Michel Houellebecq, writer Emmanuel Carrère published an engaging yet painful …
Purpose & meaning in life: why we all need our own Moby Dick by Nicolás Boullosa on June 14, 2023 Having a purpose or a life aim, one that we can more on less picture ahead of us, is crucial …
Finding meaning in postmodernity: the forgotten Aldous Huxley by Nicolás Boullosa on September 26, 2022 To each generation, its monsters. With his novella The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka explained more about early-twentieth-century angst than any historian …
Self-actualization: chances we unlock when testing our limits by Nicolás Boullosa on July 12, 2022 When Ashland, Oregon-based veteran entrepreneur Asha Deliverance explained how she had started her thriving business of modular dome tents for …
On finding meaning & self-actualization in the little things by Nicolás Boullosa on February 16, 2022 As GenXers, we come from an era still defined by cinema, TV, and music hit lists blasted on the radio …
Relación entre actualidad e inconsciente colectivo (Jung) by Nicolás Boullosa on April 14, 2021 En Las transformaciones silenciosas, el sinólogo y filósofo francés François Jullien explica hasta qué punto nuestra manera de ver el …
De Nadar a Instagram: recovecos de la alienación postmoderna by Nicolás Boullosa on September 18, 2018 El punto de entrada a este artículo es uno entre un número cada vez más elevado de eventos prefabricados, intercambiables, …
Papel de videojuegos, vocación e incentivos entre los jóvenes by Nicolás Boullosa on July 19, 2016 “Nini” e “hikikomori” son términos peyorativos que, en España y Japón, respectivamente, designan a la creciente legión de jóvenes inactivos: …
“Ikigai” y logoterapia: tener una vocación y propósito vital by Nicolás Boullosa on March 15, 2016 Cuando Terunobu Fujimori decidió ser arquitecto, le atraía más explorar la relación entre la esencia de la arquitectura: resguardarnos de …