Tercera entrega sobre Australia: Melbourne y Tasmania by Nicolás Boullosa on January 26, 2008 Aunque volver a Barcelona no suele ser un suplicio, como cualquiera que haya visitado la ciudad comprenderá. Todo lo contrario. …
Desde Sídney: primeras impresiones sobre Australia by Nicolás Boullosa on January 25, 2008 Como apuntaba brevemente en la anterior entrada (han pasado más de 20 días desde la última actualización), el 8 de …
Charlas en el verano austral: Sídney y carne de canguro by Nicolás Boullosa on January 25, 2008 Hegarty Street, en el barrio de Glebe, a unos 30 minutos a pie del centro económico de Sídney, es una …
A remodel to capture sun and rain by Kirsten Dirksen on January 8, 2008 When Tyson Dirksen and Katrina Ellis bought a fixer-upper home in urban Melbourne, Australia, they decided to redo it to …
Comiendo canguro en Coogee, Sídney by Kirsten Dirksen on January 8, 2008 Comer carne de canguro tendría todo el sentido del mundo en un país como Australia, con 21 millones de habitantes …
"Eco-Nazis" Down Under (on extreme green) by Kirsten Dirksen on January 2, 2008 Just when you think that everyone has gone “green”, at an upscale uptown-Barcelona party a Canadian expat accompanied by her …
A place called the line by Kirsten Dirksen on October 30, 2007 I grew up with a space in my home that didn’t exist for most of my friends. It wasn’t a …
Not quite there but trying… by tdirksen on August 26, 2007 I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world but in Australia the green movement is finally …
Why is orientation so important? by tdirksen on June 26, 2007 When Katrina and I were looking for our new home, it was imperative that our backyard was facing North (you …