The stuff around us: the hidden value & meaning of things old & new by Nicolás Boullosa on January 2, 2025 All things carry their weight. Sometimes, old possessions can become evergreens, whereas stuff some consider junk could be other people’s …
Apartment furniture rolls into ceiling, it’s truck-drag strong by Kirsten Dirksen on September 19, 2022 Currently, you can buy a bed, desk, and storage that will drop from the ceiling with the push of a …
El arte de editar lo innecesario… y de ordenar lo esencial by Nicolás Boullosa on December 31, 2014 Editar objetos físicos -y digitales- es una de las tendencias al alza en una sociedad con acceso universal a bienes …
Cambio en patrones de gasto: de derroche a gasto consciente by Nicolás Boullosa on October 9, 2013 Nos encontramos en la era del dinero en efectivo, el ahorro y el gasto concienzudo. Es una tendencia de comportamiento …
Intangibles: herramientas y ventajas de la lectura reflexiva by Nicolás Boullosa on July 4, 2013 Hemos priorizado la compra de productos y servicios por encima de su uso. La teoría de la adaptación hedónica explica por …
Slow Fashion entrepreneur: morphing clothes = simpler closet by faircompanies on March 6, 2012 Mireia Solsona studied architecture in Barcelona and pursued fashion as a hobby. Then the housing market crashed and with little …
Casa domótica minimalista de un veterano hacker californiano by Nicolás Boullosa on January 3, 2012 En los 70, un reconocido ingeniero averiguó que la empresa donde trabajaba se trasladaba a una oficina sin luz natural. …
Declutter your wardrobe: wear more of less by Kirsten Dirksen on June 14, 2010 The average woman owns about 100 pieces of clothing, but wears only 30 of them. The other 70 odd pieces …