Good old city-fence redwood becomes tiny cottage studio by Kirsten Dirksen on February 9, 2012 When San Francisco artist and builder Jay Nelson sees someone tearing down a redwood fence in his neighborhood he asks …
Revolución "casas diminutas": creadores y empresas clave by Nicolás Boullosa on February 7, 2012 Hace unas décadas, el tamaño medio de las viviendas era muy inferior al actual. Un creciente grupo de personas evita …
Jay Nelson’s travel micro-campers: from bike home to tiny boat by Kirsten Dirksen on February 6, 2012 “I don’t know if I could have a car without a bed in it.” San Francisco artist Jay Nelson has …
Thoreauvian simple living: unelectrified, timeless tiny home by Kirsten Dirksen on January 9, 2012 Seven years ago Diana and Michael Lorence moved to a 120-foot-square home without electricity in the coastal mountains of Northern …
Country caravans as tiny, Bohemian shelters in rural France by Kirsten Dirksen on January 8, 2012 Country caravans, or according to those at Roulotte de Campagne, “Bohemian-style caravans” are back in style. “There’s a fresh craze …
Tiny, portable, prefab cube shelters in medieval French town by Kirsten Dirksen on December 1, 2011 They’re just 3 meters (9.8 feet) by 3 meters and just about as high. They’d make great tiny homes, but …
California shipping container tiny home & cargo trailer room by Kirsten Dirksen on November 26, 2011 Lulu is a single mom who’d gone back to school and didn’t have the time or interest in working full-time …
Tiny Origami apartment in Manhattan unfolds into 4 rooms by Kirsten Dirksen on November 6, 2011 In 2005, third-grade-teacher Eric Schneider bought an apartment in Manhattan as big as he could afford. He paid $235,000 for …
Microbuilder on freedom of tiny homes: few codes, no loans by Kirsten Dirksen on October 3, 2011 Derek “Deek” Diedricksen’s backyard is filled with- what to the untrained eye- might appear children’s forts, but these tiny dwellings …
La nueva generación de viviendas baratas y modulares by Nicolás Boullosa on September 27, 2011 Más de la mitad de la población mundial vive en zonas urbanas y, en los países en desarrollo, el tránsito …