Un mini-apartamento que se transforma en infinitos espacios by Kirsten Dirksen on April 25, 2011 Cuando Christian Schallert no se está vistiendo, cocinando, durmiendo o comiendo, su diminuto apartamento loft de 24 metros cuadrados en Barcelona se …
Transforming a tiny apartment for a growing family (kid #2) by Kirsten Dirksen on April 11, 2011 Marta Barceló lives in a 47 square meter (505 sq ft) apartment in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter. She first moved in with …
How to organize a tiny home: Felice Cohen’s tidying up tips by Kirsten Dirksen on November 15, 2010 Felice Cohen lives in a 90-square-foot Manhattan studio, but she doesn’t see it as a sacrifice. What keeps it cozy …
Simple life Manhattan: a 90-square-foot microstudio by Kirsten Dirksen on October 7, 2010 By choosing a studio that measures just 12 feet by 7 feet, Felice Cohen can afford to live in Manhattan’s …
LifeEdited: cut space, stuff, media, friends and be happier by Kirsten Dirksen on September 9, 2010 If the 20th century was about supersizing our food, stuff, cars and homes, the 21st century- according to TreeHugger.com founder …
Thoreau’s cabin redux: tiny homes and happiness by Kirsten Dirksen on November 4, 2009 Henry David Thoreau went to live in a 150-square-foot cabin in the woods because he “wished to live deliberately, to …
A tiny home tour: living in 89 square feet by Kirsten Dirksen on November 3, 2009 Homes are shrinking in America. After doubling in size since 1960, the national average dropped for the first time in …
The great transatlantic automative divide by Kirsten Dirksen on October 3, 2007 I caught my initial glimpse of Eurotopia back in 1991, on my first trip on the other side of the …
A green car showroom by faircompanies on October 2, 2007 Buying a less polluting car no longer means choosing between subcompacts or hybrids, but NEVs, microcars, PEVs and superminis as …
Does size really matter in cars? Not for safety by Kirsten Dirksen on September 25, 2007 Small cars are getting a 2nd look in the US: beyond the arrival of microcars, high gas prices and fuel …