A 21st Century garbage can: seeking the ideal vermicomposter by Kirsten Dirksen on March 23, 2010 When the golf-loving gated-community-living mother of a friend of mine told me she had worms at a ladies tea, I …
Setting up a worm bin: mail order worms by Kirsten Dirksen on March 23, 2010 We considered making our own worm bin, but after an unsuccessful hunt for adequate recycled materials- old plastic containers, wood, …
Who decides when to potty train: you, baby or Big Diapers? by Kirsten Dirksen on August 17, 2009 At my moms’ group a few months ago, another mother noticed my then 2-year-old & 1 month daughter wasn’t wearing …
Videoblog desde Kauai sobre el basurero del Pacífico by Nicolás Boullosa on August 10, 2009 Durante décadas y sin que nadie prestara atención, miles de toneladas de desechos sintéticos, sobre todo de plástico -envoltorios, bolsas, …
How a broken bench became a bookshelf by Kirsten Dirksen on June 1, 2009 Designers Loida and Hernâni of Timtimxtimtim can’t watch good material go to waste so when they witnessed a broken bench …
A composting bag: lazy person’s compost by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 If you’re interested turning your garbage into compost- to support the planet and/or your plants- there is a very simple …
Scavenging the trash of overconsumption: Bio-diesel Hauling by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 “Since we live in a country with so much excess, I think it’s important to have scavengers. That’s basically what …
How to create your precycle survival kit by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 It’s not news that we’re a disposable society, but we have it bad. As the Worldwatch Institute’s Gary Gardner explained …
Plastic bag-free Coles Bay, Tasmania by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 We use most plastic bags for just minutes, but they take 15 to 1000 years to break down. Besides landfill …
The carbon footprint of SuChin's refrigerator by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Given that 20% of the fossil fuels used in the US goes toward food production and the growing use of …