A Missoula deer, an elusive wolf, and our connections with the world by Nicolás Boullosa on December 3, 2024 Nothing like a trip to shake up some preconceptions and connect directly with other realities without relying on filters, digital …
Alargar el "Ahora" y mejorar la salud con "baños forestales" by Nicolás Boullosa on December 12, 2013 Apreciar un paseo por el bosque requiere un esfuerzo más cognitivo y de actitud que físico, pero sus beneficios -físicos, …
House of 3 tents: affordable cabin home in California by Kirsten Dirksen on June 24, 2013 When Glen and Gerry bought a property in Northern California, they wanted first to live on the land to determine …
Ensoñaciones célebres: 10 sueños de creación e inventiva by Nicolás Boullosa on September 18, 2012 Divagando, las ideas llegan con mayor facilidad y se asocian sin cortapisas. Del sueño han surgido canciones, teorías matemáticas y …
El cerebro reacciona distinto en ciudad y campo (estudio) by Nicolás Boullosa on June 27, 2011 ¿Puede la vida en la ciudad afectar nuestro humor negativamente? Un estudio publicado en Nature ha probado la relación entre vida y educación urbanas …
Barcelona’s Sagrada Família: Gaudí’s monument to Nature by Kirsten Dirksen on December 18, 2010 He became one of the most famous Modernist architects- responsible for many of Barcelona’s most famous monuments-, but Antoni Gaudí …
Why Canadians are arguably happier than Americans by chloe on April 4, 2010 I just learned that Canada is one of the happiest countries in the world. According to the World Database of …
A tour through Thoreau’s simple living at Walden pond by Kirsten Dirksen on June 8, 2009 “In wildness is the preservation of the world,” wrote Henry David Thoreau in 1851 at a time when he was …
Where did our birds go? by emilyward on February 26, 2008 My husband and I have been a bit melancholy lately as we look out our window and question what has …
Animals versus a strip mall by joycelyn.champagne on January 18, 2008 I overheard the neighbors complaining about the raccoons, skunks, and feral cats that can be found wandering around our neighborhood. …