Thoreau’s cabin redux: tiny homes and happiness by Kirsten Dirksen on November 4, 2009 Henry David Thoreau went to live in a 150-square-foot cabin in the woods because he “wished to live deliberately, to …
PIB y bienestar: el fin del culto al producto interior bruto by Nicolás Boullosa on October 12, 2009 Diversos organismos debaten la utilidad de mantener un indicador de riqueza para zonas económicas, países e individuos basado en el …
A tour through Thoreau’s simple living at Walden pond by Kirsten Dirksen on June 8, 2009 “In wildness is the preservation of the world,” wrote Henry David Thoreau in 1851 at a time when he was …
Consells per estalviar sense renunciar a res by Nicolás Boullosa on November 4, 2008 En plena crisi econòmica, el respecte al medi ambient pot significar estalvi en el pressupost domèstic. Heus aquí alguns consells …
Consejos para ahorrar sin renunciar a nada by Nicolás Boullosa on October 30, 2008 En plena crisis económica, ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente puede significar ahorro en el presupuesto doméstico. He aquí algunos …
Tips to save money going green by Kirsten Dirksen on October 22, 2008 The economic crisis is the perfect time to go green. Helping the environment can mean big savings to your household …
In praise of idleness by BioDieselHauling on October 8, 2007 By Bertrand Russell: “Like most of my generation, I was brought up on the saying: ‘Satan finds some mischief for …
The most deleterious aspect of capitalism by BioDieselHauling on October 4, 2007 Gene Patenting – perhaps the best example of how our acceptance of maximizing profit as the ultimate goal in society …
Downshifting, una reacció al culte a la velocitat by Nicolás Boullosa on March 15, 2007 El segle XX va arrencar amb l’exaltació de la velocitat, concepte que ara milions de persones questionen. El downshifting advoca …
Yet another (this time, useful) guide to contaminate less by Nicolás Boullosa on January 12, 2007 Like an allegory of the butterfly effect, there is a link between plastic bags and the trash island floating in …