How a broken bench became a bookshelf by Kirsten Dirksen on June 1, 2009 Designers Loida and Hernâni of Timtimxtimtim can’t watch good material go to waste so when they witnessed a broken bench …
Minimalism vs. overconsumption 101: living more with less by Kirsten Dirksen on June 1, 2009 In most countries in the world we can’t seem to stop buying. Worldwide, about three quarters of us own at …
Scavenging the trash of overconsumption: Bio-diesel Hauling by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 “Since we live in a country with so much excess, I think it’s important to have scavengers. That’s basically what …
Buy/sell/trade last month’s impulse buy by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 The US EPA estimates that 10.6 million tons of textiles were generated in 2003, that’s about 80 pounds per person. …
How to create your precycle survival kit by Kirsten Dirksen on May 31, 2009 It’s not news that we’re a disposable society, but we have it bad. As the Worldwatch Institute’s Gary Gardner explained …
Potty training at 16 months: meet the potty and your poop by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Diapers have become the biggest part of non-recyclable household garbage. One way to avoid them is to potty train as …
A faircompanies consumer report: Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Disposable diapers, or nappies, make up about 2-5% of domestic garbage. About 4.5 trees are cut down to diaper one …
Using a kitchen towel as gift wrap by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Just during the holidays, Americans waste 4 million tons of wrapping paper and shopping bags. In the UK at the …
The Wormer, his Can-O-Worms and worm pee by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 faircompanies user “wormer” has waxed on about vermicomposting’s power to transform not only his apple cores, but also his life. …
How to build furniture from used chopsticks by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 How many chopsticks get wasted every day in your city? That was the question Barcelona-based designers Loida and Hernâni of …