Los animales se conjuran contra la subida de la temperatura by Nicolás Boullosa on April 27, 2010 Hasta ahora, los estudios sobre el calentamiento global y su incidencia en el reino animal han intentado cuantificar cómo y …
Patagonia’s soda bottle jackets and recycled underwear by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Patagonia has been an eco-aware company since its foundation. They were the first to print their catalogues on recycled paper …
Patagonia: one company’s fight to do right for the planet by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 While Google’s motto is “do no evil”, the technical clothing company Patagonia takes that one step further: “use business to …
"Let My People Go Surfing", a book by Yvon Chouinard by faircompanies on August 12, 2007 Let My People Go Surfing is a collection of memories and reflections of Yvon Chouinard, legendary climber and founder/owner of …
Cradle to Cradle, Yvon Chouinard y Amancio Ortega by Nicolás Boullosa on July 30, 2007 En abril de 2005 llegó la traducción en castellano del libro Cradle to Cradle (De la cuna a la cuna, …
"Que la meva gent vagi a fer surf", del creador de Patagonia by faircompanies on June 15, 2007 Que la meva gent vagi a fer surf recull les memòries i reflexions d’Yvon Chouinard, llegendari escalador, fundador i propietari …
"Que mi gente vaya a hacer surf", del fundador de Patagonia by faircompanies on June 13, 2007 Que mi gente vaya a hacer surf recoge las memorias y reflexiones de Yvon Chouinard, legendario escalador, fundador y propietario …
1% For The Planet: when selling can be better by faircompanies on June 3, 2007 One Percent for the Planet allows businesses to commit to donate 1% of their sales to ecological causes. An alliance of …
The organic wardrobe by faircompanies on May 31, 2007 The stereotype of the responsible buyer: a fuel efficient car, organic food and clothes made with, clearly, organic material. Organic …
El ropero orgánico by faircompanies on May 10, 2007 El estereotipo del comprador responsable: un coche de bajo consumo, alimentos orgánicos y ropa fabricada con tejidos, claro, orgánicos. El …