The reworked, repurposed, reconstructed, revamped or redesigned fashion movement takes many shapes. For some designers, it means turning a duffle bag into a $10,000 jacket (Maison Martin Margiela) for others it’s creating a wedding gown from men’s shirts (Lyric Couture).
As consumers become aware that textiles, even the sustainable materials, have a carbon footprint, they’re finding more places to buy clothing made from used apparel: from an upscale boutique on London’s Oxford Street to a downtown Manhattan East Village storefront (AuH20) to stores across Canada (PreLoved, in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver).
In this video, designer Katherine Soucie, of Sans Soucie, shows us how she turns used, torn and overstocked pantyhose into body-hugging dresses and shirts.
For a video of a redesigned dress made of dryer sheets and sweaters made new again.