They’re just 3 meters (9.8 feet) by 3 meters and just about as high. They’d make great tiny homes, but these portable cube prefabs- they can be moved on a flatbed (in 2 parts) and dropped anywhere with a forklift- are being used across France as rural hotels.
Carré d’étoiles translates to “box of stars” and this vacation prefab was designed for stargazing, with a large domed skylight just feet above the lofted bed.
It’s less than 100 square feet, but it sleeps four (platform and sofa beds) and includes a kitchen with stove, sink and refrigerator, sitting area, a bathroom, a shower, plus storage and shelving.
They’re not cheap, but the 30,900 euro (~$40,000) price tag, includes all transport to the site and marketing (since it’s assumed they’ll be used as vacation rentals).
In this video, Caroline of the Carrés d’étoiles de la Paleine, France shows us the three cubes she has installed on the premises of her home/chateau/hotel in the medieval village of Puy-Notre-Dame (in the Loire-Anjou-Touraine regional park).