Solar cookers: baking with the sun by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Using the sun’s energy to cook your lunch or dinner is possible. It’s more popular in countries where access to …
The economics of Solar by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 One of the biggest complaints about solar panels is their expensive, but to make an informed decision about their to …
A wine merchant who will refill your bottle over and over by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 If you follow the 3 R’s, you know that it’s better to reuse than simply recycle. This is no longer …
Móviles usados como materia prima de nuevos modelos by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Tragamóvil es una organización que recoge móviles usados de forma selectiva -mediante contenedores situados en tiendas de telefonía, universidades y …
Samsung goes blue, not green by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Most of the major mobile phone providers are trying to prove who is the greenest. Samsung is trying to be …
The Wormer, his Can-O-Worms and worm pee by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 faircompanies user “wormer” has waxed on about vermicomposting’s power to transform not only his apple cores, but also his life. …
“A 3 hr drive from Calgary to Edmonton, it’s nothing” by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 The US appearing at the bottom of the WWF’s Climate Scorecard (ranking climate change performance for G8 countries) isn’t news, …
How to make a cheap, and container-free, peanut butter by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 Depending on how fast you eat peanut butter, those glass or plastic containers can start to pile up. Instead of …
U Roads: 15 years of recycled soles by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 It takes about 22 gallons of oil to make a truck tire. Worldwide, one billion car tires are discarded every year (though …
SuChin cleans with vinegar and baking soda by Kirsten Dirksen on May 30, 2009 faircompanies collaborator SuChin Pak cleans the faircompanies bathroom without chemicals, phthalates nor VOCs: just vinegar and baking soda. We also …