Després de la Web 2.0: sensors i maquinari lliure by Nicolás Boullosa on March 15, 2009 L’actual crisi econòmica promet no només afavorir canvis profunds en les institucions econòmiques que regeixen el món. Els mateixos ciutadans …
Copenhagen's breakdown, greening Korea and why 2° is big by Kirsten Dirksen on March 14, 2009 After spending a 45°C (113°F) afternoon in Seville 6 years ago without air conditioning and many Barcelona winters- often in the …
Opportunities to begin a new era of African pride by Nicolás Boullosa on March 11, 2009 Beyond the Millennium Development Goals, prompted by foreign bureaucrats to alleviate endemic shortages, Africa wants to build infrastructures and to …
Los netbook crecen con Ubuntu y otras "distros" de Linux by Nicolás Boullosa on March 10, 2009 Son mucho más que un portátil pequeño, barato y con acabados pobres. Más eficientes que los ordenadores convencionales y a …
At home with an accidentally-eco Spanish grandma by Kirsten Dirksen on March 10, 2009 On the list of carbon emissions per capita, Spain comes in at #51, far below the US, Canada, Norway and …
Tweeting about hydrogen FCVs, EVs and Leontyne Price by Kirsten Dirksen on March 9, 2009 My husband is a bit of a maven (one of Malcolm Gladwell’s “people we rely on to connect us with …
Bakfiets: a Dutch cargobike is the SUV of bikes by Kirsten Dirksen on March 8, 2009 It’s easy to assume once you have a couple of kids, your days of freewheeling are numbered. One kid seat …
Urban worm composting: fruit flies & frozen food waste by Kirsten Dirksen on March 5, 2009 When you live in the city, and with roommates, composting can be a delicate issue. New York City’s Sarah Dickinson …
Breve oda a los árboles (tamaño, simbología y más) by Nicolás Boullosa on March 2, 2009 El árbol es uno de los animales con mayor protagonismo en mitologías y religiones de todo el mundo, quizá por …
Entrevista sobre el servei de lloguer de bicicletes Bicing by Nicolás Boullosa on March 1, 2009 Amb motiu de la visita d’una amiga d’una ciutat tan dependent del cotxe per als seus desplaçaments com Los Ángeles, …