From recession to Green New Deal by Nicolás Boullosa on October 13, 2008 The world economic crisis is an opportunity, and not an obstacle, to initiate the Green Revolution talked about by politicians, …
De la recesión al Green New Deal by Nicolás Boullosa on October 11, 2008 La crisis económica mundial es una oportunidad, y no un obstáculo, para iniciar la Revolución Verde de la que hablan …
Where can I recycle worn-out clothing? by answers on October 11, 2008 Question from TL of NY, NY: I have some textiles that I would like to recycle. The clothes are in …
The computer wants to be green by Nicolás Boullosa on October 8, 2008 It’s increasingly difficult to hide electronic waste under the carpet. The challenge has been set: create products that are more …
Starbucks as fairtrade-lite and Nestlé on the blacklist by Kirsten Dirksen on October 8, 2008 At a girls night last week, the conversation turned to McDonalds. My friend Carolyn, an American who’s also married to …
A composting toilet and humanure for the garden by Kirsten Dirksen on October 7, 2008 While you can buy a low flush toilet, to truly save water, you need to stop flushing, that is, get …
Sonríe, el petróleo se acaba by Nicolás Boullosa on October 3, 2008 Crisis energética, climática, alimentaria… ¿hay motivos para el optimismo? Los impulsores de las Iniciativas de Transición creen que sí. Ya …
Vote! by BioDieselHauling on October 3, 2008 (Note: I live in CA, and most of my readers on my main blog do too.) There are a whole …
Solar: present and challenges by Nicolás Boullosa on September 30, 2008 Solar energy generates just 0.04% of worldwide electricity, even though investors and intellectuals like Thomas Friedman believe it will be …
Crisis financiera, Vicky Cristina Barcelona y motos by Nicolás Boullosa on September 30, 2008 En España, el debate (demagógico y de una baja calidad que pasma, tanto en los medios de Barcelona como en …