Bici pública: individual y colectiva by Kirsten Dirksen on October 18, 2007 En Barcelona, París o Viena, el alquiler de bicicletas es el nuevo medio transporte público, pese a ser individual y …
Smart bikes: bike-sharing redux by Kirsten Dirksen on October 17, 2007 In cities like Paris, Barcelona and Vienna, residents use a smarter generation of bike-sharing programs. Now North American cities like …
Tall bikes & cargo bikes: CAT’s human powered machines by Kirsten Dirksen on October 17, 2007 Voted the best invention since 1800 by BBC Radio 4 listeners (receiving 59% of the vote to the Internet’s 4%) …
A solar dryer: how to hang it by Kirsten Dirksen on October 17, 2007 In the US, 83% of those surveyed claim a clothes dryer is a necessity and in much of North America …
Cities that address sustainability: Malmö by faircompanies on October 15, 2007 This Scandinavian city took advantage of the celebration of the European Home Exhibition of 2001, to launch a plan addressing …
Twist and vibe by Tycho on October 15, 2007 I have been in a twist all day. I had to choose between two ‘evils’: Do the right thing and …
Un mercado en la calle: valor para cosas que existen by Kirsten Dirksen on October 15, 2007 Mercat Pillo es un mercado de una calle de Barcelona donde “reciclar significa dale un valor a las cosas que …
"CAFE practices", el modelo de certificación de Starbucks by faircompanies on October 13, 2007 Las siglas C.A.F.E. responden a la normativa desarrollada por las ONG Conservation International y Scientific Certification Systems, con la ayuda …
Consells per trobar i reconèixer aliments locals by Nicolás Boullosa on October 13, 2007 Comprar aliments locals és cada vegada més fàcil gràcies a iniciatives -nascudes espontàniament i sense suport oficial- que criden a …
"CAFE practices", el model de certificació d'Starbucks by faircompanies on October 12, 2007 Les sigles C.A.F.E. responen a la normativa desenvolupada per les ONG Conservation International i Scientific Certification Systems, amb l’ajuda de …