Fitxa tècnica: "Una veritat incòmoda" by faircompanies on October 20, 2006 Documental que amplifica i converteix en mundial la campanya de difusió que Al Gore porta a terme sobre l’escalfament global …
Ficha técnica de "Una verdad incómoda" by faircompanies on October 20, 2006 Documental que amplifica y convierte en mundial la campaña de difusión que Al Gore lleva a cabo sobre el calentamiento …
Wind tech: does it blow in your backyard? by Kirsten Dirksen on October 18, 2006 Used to power boats along the Nile 6000 years ago, wind energy is one of the oldest sources of green …
Eco-hotels: from composting to carbon neutral by Kirsten Dirksen on October 11, 2006 At most major hotel chains, it’s become standard to find a note from the “environmental team” asking you to help …
CitySol EcoFair: a bit of the Green Apple by Kirsten Dirksen on October 11, 2006 Take a trip to New York’s biggest eco fair for the latest shopping and lifestyle tips. We’ll show you what’s …
Solar box cooker: cooking with the sun by Kirsten Dirksen on October 4, 2006 Most of the solar cooking is done in places where access to electricity is limited, even in places like the …
How to build a green bakery by Kirsten Dirksen on October 2, 2006 Their cookies are organic, but the real show here is the store built nearly entirely from recycled materials. At New …
Buy local: it's your personal farmer by Kirsten Dirksen on September 11, 2006 It’s food as fresh as you can get it because there are no middle men- no supermarkets, no grocers- those …
En busca del capital riesgo by faircompanies on June 11, 2006 Varias firmas de capital riesgo quieren dar carpetazo a la creencia de que ganar dinero es incompatible con la inversión …