Off-grid Sydney home reuses sewage via backyard pond’s natural filter by Kirsten Dirksen on May 26, 2009 It’s a house that produces power, water, and even reuses its own sewage, all that in the middle of Australia’s …
Crafsmanship: solar-powered repurposed furniture by Kirsten Dirksen on May 26, 2009 So many objects are retired from service much before they’re truly worn out. Craftsman Fredric Frye takes old oak wine …
Railroad ties & wine barrels: using wood again and again by Kirsten Dirksen on May 26, 2009 Looking for a hardwood floor, but don’t want to contribute to deforestation? Beyond bamboo or FSC-certified wood, there’s another option …
The future of green architecture by faircompanies on May 21, 2009 Throughout history, homes were built to take advantage of sun, wind and water. The 20th Century: it was assumed that …
Shrinking your crib: when home is just 65 square feet by Kirsten Dirksen on May 14, 2009 In a land where the average home size has grown steadily for nearly 15 years and is now over twice …
Discovering the suburban American Dream outside Barcelona by Kirsten Dirksen on May 6, 2009 I returned to my adolescence this weekend, to a typical upscale American suburb, without even leaving greater Barcelona. Until setting …
Carfree cities: removing pollution from the front yard by Kirsten Dirksen on April 22, 2009 “We’ve been building the wrong kind of city for about 60 years,” says California State University political science professor Sherman …
A garden-house proposal for the future: Green Box by Nicolás Boullosa on April 14, 2009 A garden-house proposal for the future: Green Box Green Box is, according to Spanish architect Luis de Garrido, one of …
What is a green home?… and the first eco-mansion by answers on February 26, 2009 Question from Rebecca of Chapel Hill, North Carolina: I have a question about green building. I met with a developer …
Permaculture: a home that creates energy by Kirsten Dirksen on September 10, 2008 It’s a design principle that advocates using nature for resource self-sufficiency. While permaculture means many things to different people, to …