aVOID: if a Swiss Army knife were a tiny home by Kirsten Dirksen on December 24, 2017 All of the furniture and rooms in Leonardo Di Chiara’s tiny house fold, swing, and pivot into the walls, so, …
Transformer CNC cabin by a lake as a father-son work dialogue by Kirsten Dirksen on December 10, 2017 Daniel Yudchitz and his father, Bill, are both architects who took their love of craft, cabins and Swiss precision in …
Berlin architect turns silo into spaceship-esque home-as-art by Kirsten Dirksen on November 6, 2017 After two years of living in a camper with his young daughter, architect Jan Körbes wanted something better suited to …
Couple makes garage home + campervan a consistent life combo by Kirsten Dirksen on October 15, 2017 Bryan and Jen Danger spend most nights on the road in their converted Sprinter van, but when they’re back home …
Family adventures inspired North Sister, a high-end tiny home by Kirsten Dirksen on October 1, 2017 Spud and MaryEsther Hooley have spent four decades in tiny homes, including a converted caboose in Idaho, a trapping cabin …
Grid Beam modular system builds anything, furniture to bikes by Kirsten Dirksen on September 17, 2017 Grid Beam is a kind of LEGO, or Erector Set, for grownups who want to build real things. Its creators, …
Vocational builder designs unique tiny home from old RV by Kirsten Dirksen on September 10, 2017 When Joe Weissbeck lost his property in 2009, he began converting a rundown RV- purchased for $350- into a one-of-a-kind …
Family builds 6 tiny homes for hotel on old Portland parking by Kirsten Dirksen on September 3, 2017 After 7 years living in an RV, Pam and Bruce Westra wanted to continue tiny space exploration in their new …
A Dust Bowl chicken coop became Aldo Leopold’s beloved house by Kirsten Dirksen on August 21, 2017 In 1935, Aldo Leopold bought a worn out farm along the Wisconsin River. Taking up residence in a former chicken …
359 Rotating Home follows the sun like a sunflower by Kirsten Dirksen on August 13, 2017 Ben Kaiser’s 359 house can be rotated by just one person- or two kids- pushing a bar and walking around …