Slow, free range, idle parents can increase IQ and happiness by Kirsten Dirksen on December 30, 2009 In my Silicon Valley hometown, there seemed to be only one speed for raising children: fast forward to college. Here …
Brightkite and faircompanies founders talk about happiness by Kirsten Dirksen on December 23, 2009 Given that we work from home and are substantially downshifted (i.e. we are very salary-light), when we socialize, we often …
Expats in Barcelona: 5 & 1/2 bikes and a plaza as a backyard by Kirsten Dirksen on December 16, 2009 Mitch and Kathy Madigan moved to Barcelona in 2005 for the adventure. They left behind a suburban home and 2 …
Shop less, play more: a day time can stand still by Kirsten Dirksen on December 13, 2009 I’m not sure I agree with Tolstoy in that all happy families are alike. Or maybe every happy family sings …
Slow Christmas: how we play (no shopping required) by Kirsten Dirksen on December 12, 2009 There are a few unwritten rules in my family when it comes to giving gifts: only spend money when necessary, you don’t …
America's post fast food era & Europe's oldskool land lovers by Kirsten Dirksen on December 7, 2009 “Don’t you think America is preparing for a post-fast-food period whereas Europe is slowly entering the fast food period?”, wrote …
Big green Apple life: live smaller, drive less, share more by Kirsten Dirksen on December 5, 2009 My love affair with New York began rather blindly. I moved for a short-term television job and stayed for six …
Greens gone wild: America’s first eco-fraternity by Kirsten Dirksen on November 25, 2009 It’s a fraternity where the environment is the focus: it’s not just service-oriented (though they do stream cleanups and native …
Hackers on the good life and Sarah Palin as eco-model by Kirsten Dirksen on November 23, 2009 I was publicly criticized by a few hackers* last week and after a bit of soul searching, I’ve decided their …
@Googleplex: carbon footprint of search and how to best coal by Kirsten Dirksen on November 18, 2009 They’re the biggest thing on the Internet, with annual profits of around 13 billion dollars, and some of that money …