“Freedom to” vs “freedom from”: why our attitude determines fate by Nicolás Boullosa on October 5, 2021 This is not a shortlist of to-do things to be free, but we wish there was a way to rationalize …
Bike culture boom: what dedicated lanes & cargo bikes can do by Nicolás Boullosa on September 27, 2021 It’s real. Bike ridership in cities like Paris has exploded due to Covid-19, but not only because of the pandemic; …
Modernists vs. traditionalists over beauty: a cautionary tale by Nicolás Boullosa on September 20, 2021 We prioritize what’s in front of us in the Now. Since Aristotle’s Physics, all we consider is based on “presence“, …
Dignifying urban/rural lives: decentralization done right by Nicolás Boullosa on September 13, 2021 Recently, someone brought up this logical paradox: most people who are urban are not elites. And most “urban elites” grew …
Designing stuff that matters: on quality, tools, and Nature by Nicolás Boullosa on September 8, 2021 Around five years ago, Kirsten received an email from many related to potential stories on whimsical houses, high-yield organic farms, …
A genealogy of itinerancy: from hobos to homelessness by Nicolás Boullosa on September 2, 2021 It was the summer of 2015. We didn’t know yet, but we were about to sell our apartment in Barcelona …
«Plantar» agua: un sistema ancestral de gestión hidrológica by Nicolás Boullosa on August 25, 2021 No es una época fácil para Perú, uno de los países más azotados por la pandemia de coronavirus, cuyas cifras …
De construir casas a imprimirlas: primeras versiones viables by Nicolás Boullosa on August 21, 2021 En fecha tan reciente como los años 90, los incrédulos reían sin piedad de las predicciones de futurólogos que confiaban …
Charlas sobre clima y vivienda por el noroeste de Estados Unidos by Nicolás Boullosa on August 12, 2021 Prosigue nuestra aventura veraniega por Estados Unidos. Hemos viajado desde las Rocosas, en el interior variable entre desierto y alto …
Sube la vivienda (y urge una solución de inicio) by Nicolás Boullosa on August 3, 2021 Comprobado: los mismos expertos que se pasaron los últimos años alertando sobre una deflación «de facto» en el mundo desarrollado …