UNFCCC: raising consciousness on climate change by faircompanies on February 2, 2007 The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was debated at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 …
Sobre la asociación de agricultura orgánica IFOAM by faircompanies on February 2, 2007 La Federación Internacional de Movimientos de Agricultura Orgánica es una organización agraria internacional que pretende liderar, unir y apoyar al …
A "Perc" habit: the dirty secrets of dry cleaning by faircompanies on February 2, 2007 If you own a suit, most likely you are a perc-user. 85% of dry cleaning facilities in the US and …
El 30% de las especies, en peligro de extinción (estudio) by faircompanies on February 1, 2007 Según el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático, el 30% de las especies del mundo entrará en riesgo de extinción …
Sobre Starbucks, Oxfam y los cafeteros etíopes by faircompanies on February 1, 2007 Starbucks se opone a que Etiopía registre sus variedades de café, lo que significaría un ingreso de 88 millones de …
De cómo limpiar bosques y crear biocombustibles a la vez by faircompanies on February 1, 2007 España cuenta con 99.000 toneladas de residuos forestales; su empleo como combustible ahorrará 37.500 toneladas de petróleo y evitará expulsar …
California quiere liderar las tecnologías verdes by Nicolás Boullosa on January 22, 2007 El Estado más poblado y rico de EEUU, cuna del cine moderno, la contracultura de los sesenta y buena parte …
Fair trade coffee 2.0 by faircompanies on January 22, 2007 When McDonalds, Dunkin’ Donuts and possibly Wal-Mart have joined your club you know you’ve gone mainstream, but is that a …
Industrial hydrogen vehicles: do they have a chance? by faircompanies on January 22, 2007 Journalist Michael Kanellos reports in his News.com blog that vehicles in warehouses are beginning to use fuel cell batteries. According …
Where have all the fish gone? by faircompanies on January 21, 2007 Depleted and endangered fish on the brink of extinction. There may no longer be “plenty of fish in the sea.” …