House in a hamlet: restoration, regeneration, and layers of a home by Nicolás Boullosa on February 20, 2025 When you tend a garden or you have a project of a house in your hands, your world opens up …
Ultraprocessed people: a calory-high, nutrient-poor reality by Nicolás Boullosa on July 27, 2023 Humans have been processing food in several ways since the beginning. Related species of hominins cooked and processed their food, …
Acorns: why we failed to domesticate a beloved wild food source by Nicolás Boullosa on June 2, 2023 There’s no older way of showing one’s agency over one’s surroundings than providing our own food from sources that our …
Our own version of paradise on Earth: why gardens matter by Nicolás Boullosa on August 25, 2022 Growing up in the Mediterranean and spending vacations on the western, Atlantic side of the Iberian Peninsula, I learned to …
Simplicity: lives dedicated to focusing on the fundamentals by Nicolás Boullosa on May 18, 2022 “Our life is frittered away by detail. An honest man has hardly need to count more than his ten fingers, …
The Shack: how a forester kickstarted restorative farmsteading by Nicolás Boullosa on March 23, 2022 “Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets, but humbler folk may circumvent this restriction if they know-how. …
Vivienda mínima: el sueño de modelos que rompan la inercia by Nicolás Boullosa on May 13, 2021 El autodenominado movimiento de las casas pequeñas no puede entenderse sin el auge de los proyectos de bricolaje (referidos a …
Alimentación y resiliencia: cómo Chiloé logró salvar la patata by Nicolás Boullosa on September 2, 2020 Podemos evocar nuestra lejana relación con las plantas, pero difícilmente recurriremos a un único de los sentidos evocados por Aristóteles …
Cuando China, India y Brasil disparan su consumo de carne roja by Nicolás Boullosa on August 31, 2019 Nos gusta tanto la carne, que las principales sociedades del neolítico amaestraron animales para garantizar el consumo regular de proteína …
Fermentos civilizadores: comer pan con levadura de 4.500 años by Nicolás Boullosa on August 13, 2019 Podemos imaginar la escena: una familia se dispone a realizar su alimento de la jornada, consistente en una mezcla de …